Join us for worship

Sunday: 10:30 am Morning Worship / Kid’s Church
Wednesday: 7:00 pm Adult Bible Study, Children's Ministries, and Youth Ministries
Community Groups: Meet at various times & locations throughout the year.
Special Ministries:
9:30am Fellowship Sunday (Last Sunday of the Month)
TBA: P.E.P. (Parents Empowering Parents) For parents with kids birth through High School
Torchbearers (Adults with kids that graduated High School and beyond)
Men's Fellowship (Our men are actively involved in ministries at First Assembly. We
host an annual Wild Game Dinner, and summer picnics, and meet monthly meeting).
Women's Ministries (Our ladies meet monthly and have "Girls Night Out" and help
with other local ministries in the area).
What to expect when you visit
The front doors of any church can seem to be the scariest doors in town. Especially, if you are a person who has not had much experience in church--or had a bad experience!
So what will you encounter when you walk through our doors? The first thing that you`ll notice is the people. They are among the finest people anywhere in the world! Now, some may be dressed in jeans and t-shirts, while others may be in dresses and suits. We are NOT concerned about your clothes, and we want you to know that we will accept you when you come.
We`re not a large church, but we are growing and we have all kinds of people. It is unlikely that you will stand out too much because of the way you look.
The next thing you will notice is the great blend of worship music. Our commitment to diversity extends to our worship music. The next thing you may notice is that almost everyone in the congregation has a strong desire to worship and serve God. These people really love Jesus Christ!
Perhaps you are interested in the kinds of teaching that goes on in our church? All of our teaching comes from the Bible. We strongly believe that the Bible is the message of God to us and that it is relevant to our lives today.