Sun, Jan 13, 2013
Less than 19% of Christians read the bible regularly…that is not daily…that is just regularly. If we can’t change that culturally or nationally, we can change that at First Assembly, and we can change that personally
Sun, Jan 06, 2013
This morning we are preparing for the series called 40 DAYS IN THE WORD! Here is what I believe the Lord wants to do this morning…I believe HE wants us to get ready for what HE..I said HE is going to do in our lives in the next 40 days!
How many of you are ready for God to rock your world? How many of you are ready for God to blow your mind? How many of you want…I SAID WANT God to do something amazing and incredible in your life? Let me…let you in on a secret…If you do not want God to do “something” in your life…God will not do “something” in your life!
Sun, Dec 23, 2012
This morning, as we turn our thoughts to Christmas, let us remember the reason that Christ left heaven and came to earth, let us hear for the for the first time…or be reminded again…why the babe that was laid in a manger is so important to ALL humanity!
Sun, Dec 09, 2012
This is a church full of people who understand the damage that sin can do! Am I right? One of our values is that humanity needs a savior! I believe that…do you believe that?
This 2 part series on sin…is the precursor to the Christmas message which starts next week. If we do not understand the costs and effects of sin…then we will not understand the need for a savior who came to the cross. You will not understand the need for the babe in the manger. Those two pictures belong together!
Sun, Dec 02, 2012
Most of us have heard the word sin. What is sin? What are the consequences of sin?
What do we really understand and believe about sin? Perhaps a better question is do I/you/we have an aversion/loathing/dislike to sin as much as God does? Is it repugnant to us…or have we gotten to the place where we are comfortable with sin?
Do you have any pet sins? Do you have any sins that you tolerate more than others? I believe it is human nature for us to be more accepting of some sins…while being harder on others!
I think it is important for all of us to remember that sin has consequences!
Sun, Nov 25, 2012
We have talked about witnessing God’s love and we have talked about experiencing God’s love!
There is a progression here isn’t there? We talked about witnessing God’s love, as being something that we observe…then…last Sunday we talked about experiencing God’s love…this is something that we experience personally! Today we are talking about demonstrating God’s love…that means we are going to demonstrate to others what it is like to have God’s love!
The bible tells us in Rom 5:8 But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Sat, Nov 17, 2012
How many of you have experienced God’s love? Now, I am not asking you what you have seen in others…I am asking what you have experienced in your own life.
When it comes to love…I am not sure if we really understand it…or live it.
Love has been written about since the beginning of time.
It has been the topic of poets, it has caused wars, people have been killed because of it, and songs have been written about it.
Some people use the word all the time…some people use it sparingly.
If there is any group of people who should…should understand love…it should be the followers of Christ.
Sun, Nov 11, 2012
God’s love—what do we really know about God’s love? I think that God’s love is a topic that the church needs to consider often! Phrases like the love of God…or God loves you or… God loves me…are phrases that too often are used but not fully understood. I believe the better we understand God’s love the healthier we become as followers of Christ. The most amazing followers of Christ that I know are those that have the fullest understanding of God’s love! Have you noticed that? The people who have spent the most time considering God’s love are the people who love God the most.
Sun, Nov 04, 2012
Please keep in mind that we have established the following:
God has a vision for your life…and for this church!
God is going to use different people and strategies (we called them vehicles) to help us fulfill the vision!
Last week we talked about praying about the vision and the vehicle…and we also recognize that we need power for the vehicle!
So…it sounds like we are doing well. You have a vision…you have a strategy…you are praying…and God is supplying the power!
Did you know there is one major problem that can prevent us from fulfilling the vision that God has placed in our hearts?
Sun, Oct 21, 2012
What prevents us from fulfilling the vision that God has give us?
What prevents the church from fulfilling the vision that God has given it?