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Sun, Oct 05, 2014
Have you ever been on a team and somebody messed up? Usually when a team member messes up…it impacts the whole team. Here’s the question…what do we do when someone messes up? What do we do when someone falls or falters in their walk with Christ? How do we respond? What is our core values? What is our shared values? What do we do when someone messes up? Why is this question so important? It is important because as we make disciples and invest our lives in people…we need to understand that people are not perfect…and sometimes they fall…sometimes we fall. What do I mean by fall? I mean that someone sins, someone denies Christ, either by word or deed. When they fall…how will respond? Will we be harsh, critical, or legalistic…or will we restore them? God’s word teaches us to restore the fallen…it is a biblical principal! You see…God’s grace and mercy is on display when He uses broken people…people who have fallen. Since restoration is a biblical principal How do we restore the fallen?
Sun, Sep 28, 2014
Life is better together! That is why we have friends, co-workers, neighbors…and that is why we get married and have families. That is why God created the church! Did you get that? The church is not man’s idea! It is God! He puts us in the Body of Christ! He helps us grow together! God wants us to work together so that we can reach the lost and make disciples!
Sun, Sep 21, 2014
What are shared values? It is simple. We all have personal values or core values. We may not have all the same core values, but the ones we have in common are shared values. Shared values define us as a husband and wife or as a church. Our values are things (usually unspoken “rules”) that guide us.
Sun, Sep 14, 2014
Series: Teamwork
This morning we begin a new series about teamwork! I like this definition of teamwork by Andrew Carnegie—“Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision.” Team work is a necessity in life! There are very few things in life that we can do by ourselves. God designed us to be in relationship. In the animal kingdom God designed male and female. God created Man (ADAM) after He created Adam…HE said it is not good for a man to be alone…so He created EVE…they were the first TEAM!
Give Up
Sun, Sep 07, 2014
Passage: Jude 1:17-23
Series: Give Up
Give Up
Sun, Aug 31, 2014
Series: Give Up
Why should we give up? Because sometimes there are things that we cannot control! Have you learned that? Have you tried to control something that was out of your control? You tied to control the situation any way…sometimes we try to control people and problems that we have no control over! Have you learned that sometimes the best thing you can do is to GIVE UP TO LET GO? Have you ever been in a hopeless situation that you did not know which way to turn? Perhaps you have done everything you could do, but you were in over your head…and the best thing you could do is give up! Have you ever been in that situation? Our passage this morning reminds us that sometime we have to GIVE UP TO LET GO!
Give Up
Sun, Aug 24, 2014
Series: Give Up
I want to talk to you about giving up! Perhaps you have heard it said that we should never, ever give up. Have you heard that? The simple truth is this…there are times when we need to GIVE UP! If we do need to give up…What do we need to GIVE UP? When do we GIVE UP? How do we GIVE UP and...Why should we GIVE UP?
Sun, Aug 17, 2014
Series: Witnesses
Have you discovered what I have discovered? That talk is cheap? Are you guilty of knowing more than you are doing? Have you ever heard the phrase if you are going to talk the talk…then you need to walk the walk? As witnesses, we need to make sure that we have the actions that Jesus demonstrates for us! Jesus is our model of how to live…simply put…we are to live like Jesus did. Do you live like Jesus? Do your act like Jesus?
Sun, Aug 10, 2014
Too many believers in Jesus have no power in their lives! Too many believers are living in their own wisdom and strength. Why is that? I believe there are two primary reasons. (1) A lack of study of God’s word! Which prevents us from knowing and understanding who God is and how He works in our lives. (2) The power of the Holy Spirit is not part of their everyday experience! Which limits the effectiveness of their (our witness)! Our witness is much more than our words
Sun, Aug 03, 2014
This morning I am going to challenge you. The teaching this morning is one that does not get a lot of attention…in fact, I would say it is either neglected or ignored…and that is SAD! You probably won’t be shouting! This teaching is a teaching that demands that you grow up. So, before I go any farther, I have a question for you? Did you bring your big boy/big girl pants today? I did…and here they are! What does the phrase big boy/big pants means to grow up. The most common reference has to do with potty training kids. It is an enticement! You say things like when you learn to go potty you will get to wear big boy/big girl pants! Kids get excited at the idea of not wearing a diaper! They want to put on their big boy/big girl pants.
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