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Sun, Jul 27, 2014
Passage: Luke 19:1-10
Series: Witnesses
All of us have a basic foundation that impacts our witness for Christ! It is at the core of who we are and who we will become as a follower of Christ. Do you know what it is? It is our values! We all have values. People are not so much influenced by WHAT you do, but WHY you do it! You see…your values are a set of beliefs that guide you! It is those beliefs that help you make decisions…even when you may not consciously know why you make the decisions you make. Let me tell you there are lots of people who make bad decisions because their values are bad! Let me tell you something….Our values can be good…or….bad. They can be helpful…or…hurtful!
Sun, Jul 20, 2014
Passage: Romans 12:1-8
Series: Witnesses
Now, most of us know that we are supposed to BE witnesses. Most of know that we should share our faith in Christ with our friends, family, co-workers, and acquaintances. What many folks struggle with is the “HOW!” How do I witness? This series is helping us to see that there are many different ways that we can witness. We have said that our marriage is a witness, and we have said that we are living witnesses. Jesus said that we are the light of the world! That our lives as whole are witnesses. This morning I want to answer the question why you need the church! Why I need the church…and how we as a church are witnesses!
Sun, Jul 13, 2014
Series: Witnesses
This morning we are continuing our series witnesses. There is a common misconception when it comes to that term. We often think about it incorrectly because of the way we talk about it! Have you had someone ask you if…if you had witnessed to anyone? Has anyone asked you for helpful hints on how to witness? Maybe you have asked someone else! There is nothing wrong with that…in fact it is good…but it also can lead to misunderstanding. Christians often talk about “witnessing” for Christ. But Jesus’ doesn’t tell us ”TO WITNESS” he tells us to “BE WITNESSES”. Our failure to “be witnesses” may help explain the lack of success of many of our soul winning efforts.
Courageous Faith
Sun, Jun 22, 2014
This morning we are going to consider the most basic building block of Courageous Faith. There is one major component to building courageous faith. Do you know what it is? Your faith will never mature without it! You will not be able to face adversity without it. You will never be able to believe God for amazing and incredible things without it. Do you know what it is? It is being consistent! Consistent means...reliable, stable, dependable, steady, and unfailing! Being consistent develops courageous faith
Courageous Faith
Sun, Jun 15, 2014
What is courageous faith? I believe that courageous faith is when we believe God…we trust God in the face of difficult circumstances. Have you discovered what I have discovered? Courageous faith is not “in the moment” faith. Courageous faith is faith that stands on the firm foundation principle! Courageous Faith flows from the ocean of conviction that is in our hearts! Courageous Faith oozes out of us because it is what is in us!
Sun, Jun 08, 2014
Sun, Jun 01, 2014
Passage: Romans 8:28
Rev. Dan Sodini
Sun, May 11, 2014
Mary Beth Bradshaw presents a message on Mustard seed faith.
Courageous Faith
Sun, May 04, 2014
Do you ever get frustrated? This morning I mean a particular kind of frustrated. Do you ever get frustrated waiting for the right opportunity? Waiting for the right circumstances, waiting to have enough money, waiting to have the right resources at the right time…man that is frustrating…the situation is not ideal!
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