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Courageous Faith
Sun, Apr 27, 2014
Facing failure! Have you ever felt like you failed God? Maybe this morning you walked in here feeling like a failure! Feeling like you are struggling with your walk with God! Every other area in your life may seem like it is going great…but there are issues in your walk with God. Perhaps you feel like you have failed God…maybe you are facing failure! Let me give you a little bit of discouragement…yes…I said discouragement. If you do not feel that way this morning…the time is coming! All of us will have times in our lives when we will face failure.
Courageous Faith
Sun, Apr 20, 2014
There are times in our lives when we must do something that requires courageous faith! Sometimes we get comfortable and we begin to think that our lives are supposed to be easy…and we end up existing...we don’t do anything that requires courageous faith. What is courageous faith? I believe that courageous faith is when we believe God…we trust God in the face of difficult circumstances. There are tough choices that have to be made! I also believe it is when we have a desire to do something amazing and incredible for God. We sense a stirring in our heart to do something that honors and glorifies Him…and yet it scares us…it challenges us to trust HIM!
Sun, Apr 13, 2014
Remember that Paul was writing to a troubled Church. It was a group of people that said that they loved Jesus. If you asked them, there is no doubt in mind that they would have said that their lives had been changed by Christ. If you asked them…they would have would have said that God was working among them. If you would have visited them…you would probably have wondered if they were Christians at all. As we take communion...we must understand that we are the church.
Sun, Apr 06, 2014
This morning I want to talk to you about water baptism. Water baptism is a wonderful ordinance of the church. Yet, it is one that is not emphasized nearly enough. There is much confusion about water baptism. Man people have questions about water baptism. They ask things like: What is it, what does it mean, when should it be done, how should it be done, as well as a host of others...which leads to the biggest question of all. Why should I be baptized? That question is asked...because many people do not understand water baptism...and that is why the message today is understanding water baptism!
Christ In ME
Sun, Mar 30, 2014
I want you to remember this phrase…Christ in me…Strengthens me! There are so many worldly things…areas where we are weak, but Christ takes our weaknesses…and makes us STRONG! • WE ARE NEVER STRONG IN OUR OWN POWER! • WE ARE NEVER STRONG IN OUR OWN WISDOM! • WE ARE ONLY STRONG BECAUSE CHRIST DWELLS IN US!
Christ In ME
Sun, Mar 23, 2014
Passage: Romans 8:5-17
Series: Christ In ME
This morning…I want to remind all of us of a neglected and fundamental truth found in Romans chapter 8. No other chapter in the Bible mentions the Holy Spirit as much as Romans 8. As Pentecostals we need to spend more time in Romans Chapter! It is the heartbeat of what the Bible has to say about life in the Spirit. I believe that learning to live in, by, and through the Holy Spirit is the single most important lesson a believer can learn! WHY?, WHY? Why? Because an overcoming and victorious life comes from a correct understanding of God…who He is…and what He has done…and how much He loves us…all heresy begins with a misunderstanding of God…who He is…what He has done…and how much he loves us!
Christ In ME
Sun, Mar 09, 2014
Passage: Acts 26:9-21
Series: Christ In ME
Why do I need to know….that if I have been born again…that Christ in me…is important….what difference does it make? Because He is a difference maker!
Perfect Love
Sun, Mar 02, 2014
Message by Jim Westheim concluding the series Perfect Love
Perfect Love
Sun, Feb 23, 2014
This morning…I am talking about Perfect Love: The Family. This morning, I want to remind you of a few spiritual principles that will help teach your family to honor the Lord and grow in Perfect Love! Did you know that you could be a very loving husband/dad or wife/mom and yet of you are not teaching your children or you spouse to honor the Lord…then you are missing some key elements of perfect love!
Perfect Love
Sun, Feb 16, 2014
This morning…the message is Perfect Love: Joined Together! Today we are talking about…what it means to be “JOINED TOGETHER”. This phrase JOINED TOGETHER comes from the inspired word of God! This phrase may not mean much to unbelievers, but to us…as followers of Christ…those words should mean a lot! Why? Because God wants what is best for us…why are these words important to us?…Because we want to have happy and fulfilled married life! We need to remember that God is the original designer of the family! If we are wise and careful…and follow God’s plan for family and marriage we can avoid the pain and rejection that the world does…because it ignores God and His word!
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