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Perfect Love
Sun, Feb 09, 2014
This morning…the message is Perfect Love: Fearless! I believe this message is…or could be…a game changer for many of you! Think of this message like a seed. Everything that needs to change as a result of this message will not take place today…but…if you continue to let the truth of God’s word grow, your life WILL be changed…your marriage will be changed…and your family will be changed!
Perfect Love
Sun, Feb 02, 2014
Passage: 1 John 4:9-12
Series: Perfect Love
What is perfect love? Is there any such thing? If there is…how do we find it? Can we have it in our families? Is there hope for my marriage? Is there hope for my family? Common questions that you may be asking this morning…or have asked in the past. Everybody wants Perfect Love…everyone is searching for it…here is the problem…not everyone knows what it is or how to make it!
Sun, Jan 26, 2014
Before Jesus went back to Heaven…He gave what has come to be known as The Great Commission. A “commission” is “an authoritative command; or a directive. This is what He expects His church to do until He returns! The disciples took the Lord’s command seriously. They went into the world and shared the Gospel of Jesus and thousands upon thousands were saved by the grace of God. Their message was so powerful and their witness so effective that their critics accused them of “turning the world upside down”, Acts 17:6.
Sun, Jan 19, 2014
Every church should be make these 3 areas its primary focus. Every individual should prioritize three purposes. What are they? • Win people to Christ! • Build strong disciples! • Send people into mission in the market place and the world. These 3 purposes answer the question…why the church here. It answers the question what is the church supposed to be doing? It answers the question…”What am I supposed to be doing?” The answer is the same for the church and for us as individuals. • Win people to Christ! • Build strong disciples! • Send people into mission in the market place and the world. Last week we talked about how to win people to Christ. Today, I want to tell you how to build strong disciples!
Sun, Jan 12, 2014
These 3 purposes to answer the question…why is the church here. It answers the question what is the church supposed to be doing? It answers the question…”What am I supposed to be doing?”
Sun, Jan 05, 2014
Let me encourage you to set some goals…to make some resolutions. It is good for us to focus on an area in our life that we want to improve! Maybe it is being a better husband/wife/father/mother, maybe it is the perennial favorites of losing weight or saving money, maybe it is to develop your prayer life or spend more time reading God’s word…maybe it is reading God’s word as a family.
Christmas Presence
Sun, Dec 29, 2013
This morning… I want to talk to you about the presence of pain. I believe that there are too many people who teach and preach a positive message. I believe that we should have balance…is the gospel good news? YES, YES, YES!...but does it come with a warning of pain? YES, YES, YES! In both the OT and NT we see the presence of pain for many of the people who chose to obey God! The birth of Christ illustrates the presence of pain!
Christmas Presence
Sun, Dec 22, 2013
What is hope? Is it merely wishful thinking? People tend to hope for a lot of different things. Some people hope for a better job, some for more money, and some for someone to love or someone to love them. Is this what we mean by hope? You see…Biblical hope is different than the hope of the world. Biblical hope is not wishful thinking…biblical hope is based upon God! It is based on His unchanging character. Our hope is different because our hope has a source…it is not a wish! Our hope is based on God’s unbreakable promises!
Christmas Presence
Sun, Dec 15, 2013
Christmas will be here in 10 days! Are you ready? Have you bought Christmas presents for the important people in your life? You know the word presents also sound like the word presence. P-R-E-S-E-N-T-S is about gifts, but P-R-E-S-E-N-C-E is about 1. the state or fact of being present…or 2. the immediate proximity of a person or thing. In this series we are going to talk about proximity or closeness of a few fundamental building blocks of our relationship with God!
Sun, Dec 08, 2013
Series: Testimony
This morning, I want to talk to you about our testimony of faith! YOU have a testimony of faith and WE have a testimony of faith. You have one that affects you personally…things that relate to you personally….and then…there is our testimony of faith. The situations that we face together as a church. The hardships we endure and the outreaches we attempt…like Christmas For the City and the changes we go through as a church. You see, we are always growing and moving. God is always doing something in HIS church. I do not believe that God has called the church to complacency…do you? We are to experience more of his nature in our lives…more of his love, mercy, grace and power! Sometimes God moves US (all of us) into places that ALL OF US do not understand…in order to teach US something about ourselves...and that together WE learn something about God himself. It is then that we have a new testimony of faith! Just like the children of Israel when they left Egypt and came face to face with the Red Sea!
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