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40 Days of Community!
Sun, Nov 03, 2013
Today, we are taking a few minutes to remember what we have learned! This passage in Deuteronomy is about remembering…it is about pausing to remind ourselves what we have learned…to make sure that we have learned it…and so that we can pass it on to the next generation! Many people think that if they learn more…they will be better followers of Jesus! I agree that learning is helpful, but sometimes what we need…is not to learn something new…we need to remember what we have already learned!
Sun, Oct 27, 2013
God will use what is ugly, broken and weak in your life to honor Him and to bless others!
40 Days of Community!
Sun, Oct 20, 2013
God will use you in ways you may not expect. You may say, what do I have to offer? You have something…but you don’t have enough on your own. That’s why you need other people in your life. It’s a whole lot easier to serve God and do ministry when you’re on a team. The Bible reminds us that we are in ministry together, serving together, and making a difference! Listen to 1 Corinthians 3:8 “The one who plants and the one who waters have one purpose, and they will each be rewarded according to their own labor.”
40 Days of Community!
Sun, Oct 13, 2013
Sometimes people ask this question…how do I grow spiritually? The better question is this…how do we help each other grow? The Bible teaches us that we cannot grow spiritually on our own.
40 Days of Community!
Sun, Oct 06, 2013
Now, you may not realize it, but you belong to the people seated next to and around you! You are part of the family of God, they belong to you and you belong to them. Here’s the problem: It’s easy to get disconnected in relationships. Would you agree with that? It’s very easy to get disconnected from your children, from your parents, from your brothers and sisters, your friends, your family, your husband and wife. It’s easy to get disconnected from your church and small group.
40 Days of Community!
Sun, Sep 22, 2013
This morning is the beginning of a revolution. It’s going to start with a very radical counter-culture message. I want to talk to you about something that is the exact opposite of what you’ve been taught most of your life. It is the concept of community.
Sun, Sep 15, 2013
Passage: Acts 16:6-10
Series: Questions
How many of you would like for your spiritual life to take a ginormous step forward? How many of you would admit that your walk with Christ has plateaued? What if I told you that you are where you are, because it is where you want to be? What if I told you will never get to what you want to go and more importantly where God wants you to go until one thing happens…you realize that you need to move…somewhere…
Sun, Sep 08, 2013
Series: Questions
This morning we are asking a question that is seldom talked about from the pulpit. In my opinion it is one of the most important topics and one of the most neglected topics that can…no will affect our discipleship. That topic is conflict in the church. How many of you know that sometimes there is conflict in the church? Conflict is never fun! There seems to be at least four main issues concerning conflict in the church. (1) people do not know what the bible teaches (2) people do know what the bible teaches but do not do it (3) people want to do what makes them feel better, (4) people just want to avoid conflict altogether. I am sure there are more, but these are the main issues concerning church conflict!
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