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Sun, Jul 14, 2013
Sometimes the church needs to be reminded that people want to BE...Long! The church needs to be reminded that people are DESPERATE and desperate people push caring people away! You see...we need to be reminded that people in the community are disconnected...they are disconnected from other people...they are disconnected from Christ...and they are disconnected from the body of Christ! As a result, they make desperate decisions!...if you would like to hear more...go the WEBSITE and listen to last Sunday's message! We also need be reminded...that as we continue to become a church with the community at heart! We need to remember the forgotten! Who is the forgotten...what is forgotten? That is a question...that only you have the answer to! I can tell you see them all the time! Here is the problem...many of us have forgotten them! Just like the man in our passage today!
Sun, Jul 07, 2013
Passage: John 4:4-26
One of the ways we are a church with the community at heart is by realizing one of the most powerful and basic human needs...the need to belong. What is the role of the church in the (Be)...Longing process? This series will answer that question. Today’s message is BE...LONGING: “The Desperate!”
Sun, Jun 30, 2013
Everyone has a longing to "BE" be something...some people want to "BE" accepted, some want to "BE" rich, some want to "BE" a father or a mother, or a husband or a wife, some want to be successful, some want to "BE" president. Everyone has a longing to "BE" be is the one starts off in life saying I want to "BE" a prostitute, or addicted to drugs, or an alcoholic, or a murderer, or married 3 or 4 times, or living with 3 or 4 or 5 different people or broke all of my life or existing day to day. So...what happens? How do we end up going through the motions of life and ending up in a situation that is not God's best for us? It sounds too simple...the problem is that while we are trying to "BE" something...or even discover what God wants us to "BE"....we have a basic human need to belong. We have a longing to "BE" and a longing to belong!
Sun, Jun 23, 2013
This morning, we are going to do something different. I have been attending church for over 30 years and I have never heard a message like the one you will hear or see today. Today I want encourage and inspire everyone of you to be thankful...for the loving...faithful...dedicated...and inspired laborers of First Assembly. Today...when you leave...I want you to walk away with 2 feelings...2 thoughts...NO...2 convictions. (1) to have deep appreciation for the laborers of First Assembly (2) to determine to become a laborer of First Assembly.
Sun, Jun 16, 2013
Guest Speaker, JonMark Baker.
Walking In The Spirit
Sun, Jun 09, 2013
This morning we are concluding the series called Walking In The Spirit as we talk about 3 areas that are often neglected in our lives. Here is the key…they tend to go together! What are they are? They are preparation, power, and praise. Here is what we need to understand…there is an order and a result. #1 preparation--I have discovered that if I am not prepared for what God is doing and wants to do…then I do not have #2 the power of the Holy Spirit in my life to accomplish what God is calling me to accomplish…and if I am not prepared and if I do not have the power of the Holy Spirit in my life then I do not have an opportunity to see what God is doing in the lives around me and give God praise.
Walking In The Spirit
Sun, Jun 02, 2013
One of the things we must learn to do is to become aware of the nudge of the Holy Spirit. We must to learn to live by the nudge of the Spirit. What is a nudge? The dictionary defines it like this: (1) to touch or push gently; especially : to seek the attention of by a push of the elbow. (2) to prod lightly…to urge into action. A nudge is more than just a touch…it gets attention…or it can be course correction.
Walking In The Spirit
Sun, May 26, 2013
Did you know there is only one thing that is keeping you from becoming all that God wants you to become, to fulfill the dreams that god gas put in your heart. What is that one thing? You willingness to let the Holy Spirit saturate your life.
Sun, May 12, 2013
Mother's Day message by Tammy Screws
Family Portrait
Sun, May 05, 2013
Patience…it is a great characteristic all of us need and so few of us pray for. Perhaps you have you heard this before…If you pray for patience God will send you trials? Anyone ever said that? I have heard that over and over…some people think it is in the bible…it is N-O-T! We have patience because it is part of the fruit of the Spirit. If you need more patience…all you need is to allow the Holy Spirit to do more work in your life!
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