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40 Days of Community!
Sun, Sep 22, 2013
This morning is the beginning of a revolution. It’s going to start with a very radical counter-culture message. I want to talk to you about something that is the exact opposite of what you’ve been taught most of your life. It is the concept of community.
Sun, Sep 15, 2013
Passage: Acts 16:6-10
Series: Questions
How many of you would like for your spiritual life to take a ginormous step forward? How many of you would admit that your walk with Christ has plateaued? What if I told you that you are where you are, because it is where you want to be? What if I told you will never get to what you want to go and more importantly where God wants you to go until one thing happens…you realize that you need to move…somewhere…
Sun, Sep 08, 2013
Series: Questions
This morning we are asking a question that is seldom talked about from the pulpit. In my opinion it is one of the most important topics and one of the most neglected topics that can…no will affect our discipleship. That topic is conflict in the church. How many of you know that sometimes there is conflict in the church? Conflict is never fun! There seems to be at least four main issues concerning conflict in the church. (1) people do not know what the bible teaches (2) people do know what the bible teaches but do not do it (3) people want to do what makes them feel better, (4) people just want to avoid conflict altogether. I am sure there are more, but these are the main issues concerning church conflict!
Sun, Sep 01, 2013
Today, we are asking the Holy Spirit to perform a “gut check” on us. Do you know what a gut check is? That is when we a pause to make an honest assessment of our progress, or our spiritual condition…it is when we take a real hard look at ourselves. This morning we are asking the Holy Spirit to help us determine if God is truly number 1 in our lives. Are you ready for a “GUT CHECK?”
Sun, Aug 04, 2013
Passage: Titus 3:3-8
Series: Questions
This morning we are talking about one of the most basic questions people have. Can I change? I have heard people say..."I CANNOT CHANGE"..."I AM NOT ABOUT TO CHANGE NOW!"..."YOU CANNOT TEACH AN OLD DOG NEW TRICKS". I have also heard people say you can change! What do you think? Can a person change? Would you say yes, or no...maybe...or some of you are thinking...I am not going to answer!
Sun, Jul 28, 2013
As a loving disciple, who am I supposed to love? I am supposed to love the church! The community of faith! What is that supposed to look like? As a disciple, we are not a bunch of Lone Rangers! We are not a bunch of individuals! We love and serve God together! We are the people who know what it means to BE...LONG! We know what it means to look for a place to BE...LONG to. We know what it means to have a desire to be want to be loved. We know what it means to try to find BE...LONGING. We know it what it means to BE...LONG to the Christ! We know what it means to BE...LONG to the body of Christ! This morning we need to be reminded what this community of believers is supposed to be like!
Sat, Jul 20, 2013
We must remember that to help THE UNTOUCHABLE, THE DESPERATE AND THE FORGOTTEN it will cost us! It will cost us our pride, our time, our energy, our efforts, our money...and much more! When I say it will cost us...I do not mean all of us together...I mean each of us! Individually! These messages are not about "ALL of US". These messages are individual! Today's message is called the disciple. It is not the disciples...plural or many. It is about is about you. We are a church with the community at heart...when you...yes I said you...are moved by love and compassion to help others! You do not have to wait for me, you do not have to wait until all of us do do what you can do...right where you are! Here is why...only you can help someone BE...LONG!
Sun, Jul 14, 2013
Sometimes the church needs to be reminded that people want to BE...Long! The church needs to be reminded that people are DESPERATE and desperate people push caring people away! You see...we need to be reminded that people in the community are disconnected...they are disconnected from other people...they are disconnected from Christ...and they are disconnected from the body of Christ! As a result, they make desperate decisions!...if you would like to hear more...go the WEBSITE and listen to last Sunday's message! We also need be reminded...that as we continue to become a church with the community at heart! We need to remember the forgotten! Who is the forgotten...what is forgotten? That is a question...that only you have the answer to! I can tell you see them all the time! Here is the problem...many of us have forgotten them! Just like the man in our passage today!
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