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40 Days In The Word!
Sun, Jan 20, 2013
Now…let me ask you a question…do you understand the times in which we live? This is what I mean…there seems to be a lot of people that think that the Bible is a good book, a moral book and even an important book, but they do not think it is God’s word…they do not think that it is authoritative…that it gives direction for their lives. Now, there are lots of reasons for that type of thinking…some people think all religions are the same, some people think that religion was made so to keep people oppressed…however, my own personal opinion is this…the reason many people do not believe the Bible is God’s word is this….it is because there are too many people in the church that live their lives like it is not God’s word!
40 Days In The Word!
Sun, Jan 13, 2013
Less than 19% of Christians read the bible regularly…that is not daily…that is just regularly. If we can’t change that culturally or nationally, we can change that at First Assembly, and we can change that personally
40 Days In The Word!
Sun, Jan 06, 2013
This morning we are preparing for the series called 40 DAYS IN THE WORD! Here is what I believe the Lord wants to do this morning…I believe HE wants us to get ready for what HE..I said HE is going to do in our lives in the next 40 days! How many of you are ready for God to rock your world? How many of you are ready for God to blow your mind? How many of you want…I SAID WANT God to do something amazing and incredible in your life? Let me…let you in on a secret…If you do not want God to do “something” in your life…God will not do “something” in your life!
Sun, Dec 30, 2012
Sun, Dec 23, 2012
This morning, as we turn our thoughts to Christmas, let us remember the reason that Christ left heaven and came to earth, let us hear for the for the first time…or be reminded again…why the babe that was laid in a manger is so important to ALL humanity!
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