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Identity Crisis
Sun, Apr 03, 2011
This series is about God’s people not knowing who they are. Many people are struggling with an IDENTITY CRISIS. Do you know who you are? Please use the tear off on the edge of the bulletin and answer this question…WHO AM I?
Fast Forward 2020 Vision
Sun, Mar 27, 2011
I have been praying and thinking about this message for some time. Let me tell you that at the heart of this message is you…or y’all! This message is about money. I make no apologies about talking to you about money and perhaps more importantly our attitudes and relationship toward it. We are taught many things about money and most of it is not very good. In the church, especially in the USA, the attitude toward money is not so good…at least generally speaking. Now, if you think I am going to tell you to give more, let me tell you that may or not be the outcome…it just depends on what you are giving now? However, this message is not about tithing, even though I will share a few things about tithing. This message is primarily about our relationship to money. The way we think about it, the way we use it, the way we feel about it, and how it dominates our thinking.
Fast Forward 2020 Vision
Sun, Mar 13, 2011
Over the last several weeks, I have asked you to consider the following: 1. Where were you 10 years ago? 2. More importantly where will you be? 3. Will you be fighting same problems? 4. Financial, relational, mental, spiritual, emotional? 5. Reacting same way, in the same health? 6. ...Still same job? 7. Still just hanging out waiting for retirement? 8. What do you see...with the Lord's help & approval? 9. If you only had 10 years left to live…what would you do? 10. Do you have a vision for your life?
Fast Forward 2020 Vision
Sun, Mar 06, 2011
This morning, let me remind you that God has a vision, a plan, a preferred future for all humanity. It is God’s desire that none should perish… 2 Peter 3:9…9 The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. John 14:1-3…1 “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me. 2 In my Father’s house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. These verses are for you and me,…for this community and the surrounding areas,…for this county,…for this state, for this country and for this world. God has vision for your life, for this church, for this community!
Fast Forward 2020 Vision
Sat, Feb 26, 2011
Here’s the thing…many people do not have a vision for their life…they are going to through life living one day to the next, dealing with one problem and the next. It seems to me that most people have only a generic plan or vision for their lives. It starts at childhood and never seems to get much clearer. It goes something like this. I want to grow up, get a job, get married, have kids, buy a house and couple of cars, put money in the bank, retire and die. Some folks seem so focused on retiring that they miss the living the life that God has given them.
Fast Forward 2020 Vision
Sun, Feb 13, 2011
s we talk about the vision…we must always keep in focus that people are the vision. We do not disciple programs…we disciple people We do not build or develop ministries as much as we build and develop people. Buildings in and of themselves are not important…unless we are using them to minister to people, to reach people, to see people made whole, spiritually, emotionally, financially, relationally…in every area of their lives. As we pray, plan, and discuss what we believe God wants us to do…we must keep in mind that we are all about people…that includes those who are here and those that we will reach and those that God will send! God is bringing people to First Assembly to assemble people that will help us reach this community and then this world.
Fast Forward 2020 Vision
Sat, Feb 05, 2011
As we are moving toward the year 2020 we m I am continuing to lay out the vision…the plan…the preferred future that I believe that God has for us! 2011 is the beginning of a new decade. Where were you 10 years ago? More importantly where will you be? Will you be fighting same problems? Financial, relational, mental, spiritual, emotional? Reacting same way, in the same health? Still same job? Still just hanging in for retirement? What do you see...with the Lord's help & approval? To help you get started about 10 years from now I have a few PowerPoint’s to stir you thought processes this morning.
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